The Planner Base Kit
Canva Templates

The entire foundation of your planner in one Canva template set. 

How can you use these templates?

Comes with PLR/commercial use rights. 

Customize the pages. Add your branding. 

Or, use as-is and have a product or opt-in ready in under an hour.

What is in the Planner Base Kit Template?
49 pages of templates:

Dated 2024 monthly calendar set.

Undated monthly calendar set.

Monthly Planners (6 pages)

Weekly Planners (5 pages)

Daily Planners (6 pages)

Weekly To-Do Lists (2 pages)

Ongoing To-Do Lists (5 pages)

Monthly Goal Planner (1 page)

Contact information

Billing address

Special Offer!

Over 70% off this beautiful Cover Template Set.

JUST $5!!! 

15 Canva Cover Templates, ideal for planners, workbooks, and eBooks.


Have a $0 total and don't want to provide your billing information? I completely understand!

Just select "PayPal" as the method of payment. You won't be required to enter any other billing information or have to log into your PayPal account, if you have a $0 total!

Payment information                            

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


Canva Templates-Planner Base Kit (Pink & Floral)$27

  • Total payment
  • 1xCanva Templates-Planner Base Kit (Pink & Floral)$27

All prices in USD


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